The 8th MoU review meeting was organized by the Government of Kazakhstan in line with its obligations under the MoU on sub-regional drug control cooperation signed in 1996.
The meeting was divided into the expert and high level segments. The expert level session was focused on the discussion of the situation in Afghanistan and it's implication to the MOU region as well as on the prospects for further cooperation. The Working group on elaboration of the final document of the 8th MOU meeting was resulted in agreeing on the text of the Declaration which was subsequently approved at the high level segment on 9 December.
The expert level meeting was instrumental in initiating discussion on the draft UNODC Regional Programme, as well as on agreeing on the need for a more balanced approach for the law enforcement cooperation to be combined by the interaction in demand reduction, treatment and rehabilitation areas.
The high level segment was addressed on behalf of the UN Secretary-General by Ambassador Mr. JenĨa, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Head of the Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia. UNODC delegation was led by Mr. Francis Maertens, Deputy Executive Director of UNODC, who addressed the meeting on behalf of the UNODC Executive Director.
During the MOU discussion the following main ideas were put forward: elaboration of an action plan under the MOU framework aimed at better cooperation with Afghanistan; organization in 2010 of the Ministerial level meeting under the Paris Pact framework; further elaboration of UNODC Regional Programme for Central Asia and South Caucasus to be sent to the MOU states for consideration; revival of the "6+3" political mechanism to address the situation in Afghanistan.
Some of these provisions that were supported by all delegations were reflected in the MOU Declaration. The latter was adopted without any change at the high level MOU segment on 9 December by all MOU members except Uzbekistan.
The MOU meeting was combined with inauguration of CARICC, which was attended by more than 100 representatives from MOU members and observers.