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Early Warning Mechanisms for CHILE

Early Warning Mechanisms

On 31 March 2015, Chile created the National Board of New Psychoactive Substances (MNNSP) to implement a continual interinstitutional analysis of new substances, issuing a yearly report that recommends the inclusion of newly identified substances on the country’s lists.

The MNNSP’s yearly reports provided updates of its activity, as well as scientific and legal analysis of new psychoactive substances, either as identified by the UNODC’s Early Warning System (EWS), another international EWS, another country’s EWS, or Chilean authorities. Based on these analyses, the MNNSP submits a recommendation to the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security as to which substances merit addition to which articles of Decree 867/2007. The Ministry in 2016 and 2017 updated the lists based on these recommendations.

The MNNSP’s 2017 Report No. 3 characterized the board as a type of EWS, noting that it “has reformed the way of categorizing drugs in Chile” and “has shown to be an effective methodology to ensure the adequate typification of new synthetic drugs.”

In November 2020, the new Early Warning System was created by SENDA (Servicio Nacional para la Prevención y Rehabilitación del Consumo de Drogas y Alcohol), a multidisciplinary network constituted by inter-institutional key actors that integrates former MNNSP stakeholders. The EWS has the objective to generate and exchange information on upcoming threats, risks and the design for effective policy responses related to NPS and emerging drug phenomena. With timely early warning alerts the EWS aims at minimizing the risks associated with NPS and other emerging drugs

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