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Generic Legislation for IRELAND

Generic Legislation
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations 2010, S.I. (Statutory Instrument) No 200 of 2010
In Ireland, NPS are controlled both by individual listing and by a generic system. In May 2010, both individual substances such as mephedrone as well as derivatives (using the generic approach) such as BZP derivatives were place under control, by amending the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1977 with a Statutory Instrument (S.I. No. 200/2010–Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations 2010. The legislation contained a mixture of individually listed substances and generic compound groups, especially for the indole and pyrrole cannabimimetics. N-substituted fluoroalkylindole derivatives such as AM-694 and 3-benzoylindole derivatives such as RCS-4 were not covered by this Statutory Instrument. The amendment specifically included nine named substituted cathinones. In 2011 with S.I. 551/2011, the definition was expanded to include N-haloalkyl compounds such as AM-694 which had been identified in a number of head shop products.

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