Geoinformation Technologies as Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies

Geoinformational technologies are progressively used by law enforcement agencies of Central Asia and Azerbaijan providing additional options for the analysis of drug trafficking related data.

During the last several years, specialists from the Coordination and Analysis Unit of UNODC ROCA provided around 20 trainings on ArcGIS and data analysis to the officers of analytical departments of law enforcement agencies and health authorities of the countries in the region. National counterparts were also provided with free licence ArcView 9.x program and a geographical database, which allows them to independently create and efficiently use their own geoinformation space in order to solve different problems.

Twenty four officers of analytical departments of law enforcement agencies of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan were trained on mapping basics. Besides, specialists from the Coordination and Analysis Unit of UNODC ROCA implemented a project on creation of online database on drugs in the framework of the "Paris Pact Initiative" ad "Afghan Opiate Trade" projects.