هذه الوحدة التعليمية هي مورد مرجعي للمحاضرين  


قراءة أساسية


يتضمن هذا الباب قائمة مواد (غالبا ما تكون) ميسورة المنال يمكن للمحاضر أن يطلب من الطلبة قراءتها قبل التحاقهم بدورة دراسية تستند إلى هذه الوحدة التعليمية.

  • Fukuyama, Francis (2013). What is Governance? Governance, vol. 26, issue 3 (July), pp. 347-368.
  • Grindle, Merilee S. (2007). Good enough governance revisited. Development Policy Review, vol. 25, issue 05 (September), pp. 553-574.
  • Grindle, Merilee S. (2017). Good Governance, R.I.P.: A Critique and an Alternative. Governance, vol. 30, issue 01 (January), pp. 17-22.
  • Holmberg, Sören, and Bo Rothstein (2012). Good Government. The Relevance of Political Science. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Johnston, Michael (2002). Good Governance: Rule of Law, Transparency, and Accountability.
  • Kaufmann, Daniel, Aart Kraay, and Pablo Zoido-Lobatón (1999). Aggregating Governance Indicators. Policy Research Working Paper. Washington, DC: The World Bank Development Research Group.
  • Olken, Benjamin A., and Rohini Pande (2012). Corruption in Developing Countries, Annual Review of Economics, vol. 4 (April), pp. 479-509.
  • Rose, Richard, and Caryn Peiffer (2019). Bad Governance and Corruption. Political Corruption and Governance Book Series. Springer Nature.
  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan (2016). What Does "Governance" Mean? Governance, vol. 30, issue 01 (May), pp. 23-27.
  • United Nations (2009). What is Good Governance? United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.



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