Este módulo é um recurso para professores 


Leitura avançada


As seguintes leituras são recomendadas para os interessados em explorar os tópicos abordados neste Módulo com mais profundidade:

  • Brenner, Susan W. (2006). Cybercrime jurisdiction. Crime, Law and Social Change,Vol.46(4), 189-206.
  • Farrell, Kristen. (2007). The Big Mamas Are Watching: China's Censorship of the Internet and the Strain on Freedom of Expression. Michigan State Journal of International Law,Vol. 15, 577-603.
  • Grasmick, Brittany. (2015). Recognizing "Access to Information" as a Basic Human Right: A Necessary Step in Enforcing Human Rights Provisions Within Free Trade Agreements. Loyola University Chicago International Law Review, Vol.12, 215-230.
  • Guichard, Audrey. (2009). Hate Crime in Cyberspace: The Challenges of Substantive Criminal Law. Information & Communications Technology Law, Vol.18(2), 201-234.
  • Levin, Brian. (2002). Cyberhate: A Legal and Historical Analysis of Extremists' Use of Computer Networks in America. American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 45(6), 958-988.
  • Maras, Marie-Helen. Cyberlaw and Cyberliberties. Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2020.
  • Schjølberg, Stein. (2016). A Geneva Convention or Declaration for Cyberspace. VFAC Review, No. 12, October 2016. Korean Institute of Criminology.
  • Wall, David S. (2017). Crime, security and information communication technologies: The changing cybersecurity threat landscape and implications for regulation and policing (pp. 1075-1096). In R. Brownsword, E. Scotford and K. Yeung. (eds). The Oxford Handbook of the Law and Regulation of Technology, Oxford University Press.
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