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Mogadishu Central Prison, Somalia. 

Mandela Rule 75

"1. All prison staff shall possess an adequate standard of education and shall be given the ability and means to carry out their duties in a professional manner. 2. Before entering on duty, all prison staff shall be provided with training tailored to their general and specific duties, which shall be reflective of contemporary evidence-based best practice in penal sciences. Only those candidates who successfully pass the theoretical and practical tests at the end of such training shall be allowed to enter the prison service. 3. The prison administration shall ensure the continuous provision of in service training courses with a view to maintaining and improving the knowledge and professional capacity of its personnel, after entering on duty and during their career."

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Mogadishu Central Prison celebrates the Mandela Prison Rules because it serves as a tool to educate the prison staff how to observe the human rights of the prisoners and respect human dignity. The UNODC continues to discuss the Mandela rules with the prison, and provides educational tools to bolster the staff knowledge. Mogadishu trains female and male prison officers in line with the Mandela Rules and they will request additional training to ensure that they continue to meet all the Mandela Prison Rules. The emphasis on training is in line with rule 75.