Counting on UNODC initiative, Paraguay presents the National Plan of Corruption Prevention


Asuncion, 1 June 2016 - On Thursday, 31 March, the official presentation of the National Plan of Corruption Prevention took place, and was attended by the Minister of Finance, Santiado Peña; the Attorney General, Roberto Moreno; the Minister of AGPE (General Audit of the executive branch), Bertha Rodríguez; Sully Cabrera, on behalf of the Department of Civil Service; the director of Usaid Paraguay, Fernando Cossich, and the UNODC Specialist in Governance and Justice (Paraguay), Paola Vaccotti, as well as special guests and representatives of transparency units of institutions of the executive branch.

The National Plan of Corruption Prevention was developed in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), within the framework of the National Integrated Programme, supported by the Democracy Program and Governance of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), implemented by the Center for Environmental and Social Studies (Ceamso).

The mentioned plan was approved by Decree 4,900/2016, and was signed by the President of the Republic Don Horacio Cartes, whose implementation will be coordinated by the National Anti-Corruption Secretariat (Senac), along with key institutions that guard the public patrimony by Transparency Unit and Anti-Corruption Network of the Executive Branch and aims the articulation of programs and policies on transparency, access to information and the fight against corruption.

The document presents nine thematic areas, among them: the strengthening of SENAC as rector entity on transparency, ethics and integrity; the strengthening the  Transparency unit and Anti-Corruption network of the Executive Branch; the strengthening of the Public Ethics System in Public Administration; the reinforcement of active transparency and access to public information policies; promoting transparency and preventing corruption in public enterprises and public-private contracts, among others.

During the presentation, Soledad Quiñónez Astigarraga, Minister Executive Secretary of the National Anticorruption Secretariat, stressed that the main objective of the country is to eradicate corruption and pursue transparency at all levels.

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