United Nations Vienna Civil Society Award 2004

The UN Vienna Civil Society Award was created in 1999 by UNODC, the City of Vienna and the Austrian Foreign Ministry to honour civil society organizations and individuals from around the world who are making outstanding contributions to the fight against drug abuse, crime, corruption and terrorism.

Photo: UNODC/H. PfeiferIn addition to the three award winners, a special certificate of merit was presented for the first time this year to recognize an individual or organization for its commitment to fostering justice and social progress.

Austrian swimmer Markus Rogan, a double-silver medallist at the Athens Olympics, was also honoured at the ceremony for his outstanding achievement in sport. Rogan has a reputation for sportsmanship and in 2004 became the first swimmer to be named Austria's "Athlete of the Year".

Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas (CEDRO)

CEDRO was created in 1986 to help provide creative responses to Peru's rising drug problem. It is the main civil society institution devoted to the drug problem in Peru and is the country's focal point for drug information and education.

CEDRO works with high-risk populations through programmes like job skills training, which has reached more than 5,000 young people. The organization's activities include drug counselling, awareness raising among farmers of the risks involved in drug production and trafficking, and the development of school curricula on drug prevention.

Drug Abuse Prevention Centre

The Centre develops and implements innovative drug prevention programmes and provides support to young drug users. Originally active in St. Petersburg, the Centre's projects have been replicated in the north-western and central Russian Federation, the Caucuses, Urals, Siberia and also in Belarus and Finland.

The Centre initiated the first helpline in the Russian Federation for drug users, which assists over 5,000 people annually. Through its peer-to-peer programmes, the Centre organizes young volunteers to carry out drug prevention activities in orphanages, schools and universities. It also helps former drug users find jobs and develops materials to train drug prevention experts.

Mjaft! Movement

"Mjaft" is one of the most forceful ways for Albanians to say "enough". The movement's goal is to increase civic activism, promote responsible government and improve Albania's image worldwide based on the idea that violence, trafficking and corruption can only be improved through active citizenship. So far, more than 600 volunteers have been involved in Mjaft's! activities.

Mjaft! has only been in existence since 2003, but it has already organized a voter education campaign, public debates, peaceful protests, direct action organizing workshops and student orientations.