Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries (UNODC)

Scaling-up the Strengthening Families Programme (SFP 10-14) in Kyrgyz Republic   

Bishkek, May 2019

UNODC Sub-Programme 3 : "Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependence Among Vulnerable Groups" in the framework of the UNODC Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries convened a 4-day Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop on SFP 10-14 in close collaboration with government counterparts including the Ministry of Education and Science and the Republican Drug Treatment Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in Bishkek on 28-31 May 2019.

The event was organized following the positive outcome achieved during the second cycle of SFP 10-14 implementation in six schools in Bishkek in 2018. The programme was very well received by the government of Kyrgyzstan as well as all the youth and families that participated in the programme. As such, with the aim of expanding the programme country-wide, a TOT workshop was held engaging six national SFP facilitators and 17 school teachers. Under direct supervision of the international SFP 10-14 expert, six national facilitators led the sessions and were awarded TOF (Trainer of Facilitators) Certificates. Consequently, 17 school teachers were trained as national SFP 10-14 facilitators. 

This event could be considered as a milestone in expansion of the programme in the country as the national SFP trainers will be able to train new facilitators while new national SFP facilitators will implement the programme in new schools in Bishkek in third quarter of 2019.

It is worth mentioning that SFP 10-14 has been recognized in Kyrgyzstan as a family skills training programme which is highly effective in preventing substance abuse, delinquency and risky behaviour among adolescents.

The activity was supported by the EU funding.