Border management

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The Challenge:

By its very nature, transnational crime crosses national borders. Effective border control is therefore one key element in tackling transnational organized crime.

In the coming decade, export-driven growth and major regional infrastructure upgrades in Southeast Asia, including those associated with the ASEAN Connectivity Masterplan, will concentrate resources along "development corridors." While these trends will generally be positive in terms of lowering overall trade costs and boosting economic growth, they will also provide increased opportunities for organized criminal groups to traffic illicit goods and smuggle across borders.

What we do:

UNODC assists Member States in all aspects of strengthening border management in the region, including cross-border collaboration.


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Find out how UNODC assists Member States to strengthen border management in the region. [Read more]


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Click here to access our latest publications, reports, research and other updates on our work on border management. [Read more]

relevant contacts

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Valentina Pancieri
Law Enforcement Expert
Border Management
(+66-2) 288-2184
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Felipe De La Torre
Programme Officer
Border Management
(+66-2) 288-2491