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June 2018 – UNODC: New trends in the use of kratom

VIENNA, Austria – June 2018: In recent years, kratom has gained popularity in countries in North America and Europe as a plant-based NPS. At the global level, 31 countries reported the detection of kratom between 2012 and 2017. Kratom products are derived from the leaf of the kratom tree, which is used in South-East Asia as a traditional remedy for minor ailments and for non-medical purposes. Few countries have placed kratom under national legal control, making it relatively easy to buy. There are now numerous products around the world advertised as containing kratom, which usually come mixed with other substances. People who use opioids in the United States have reported using kratom products for the self-management of withdrawal symptoms. Some 500 tons of kratom were intercepted during 2016, triple the amount of the previous year, suggesting a boom in its popularity.

For more information, please see:

UNODC World Drug Report 2018 – Booklet 3


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