2018 Annual Report: Together Making the Region Safer from Drugs, Crime and Terrorism

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Office for Central Asia (UNODC ROCA) is proud to present its annual report on technical cooperation delivered in 2018 in partnership with the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, as well as the Republics of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

The UNODC Programme for Central Asia 2015-2019 represents the overarching strategic framework under which UNODC provides technical assistance to the five Central Asian countries. This annual report not only displays achievements for 2018 under the UNODC Programme for Central Asia but also highlights the totality of the work across the eight countries through our partnerships with global and regional initiatives with a focus on our contribution to the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Throughout the past year, UNODC delivered over $ 14.5 million in the region in technical assistance based on a coordinated, integrated and harmonized response that is consistent with international norms and principles of good governance, health and human rights, contributing to the establishment of a healthy and safe society founded on the rule of law.

In 2018, UNODC made considerable strides in countering the threats of transnational organized crime, drug trafficking and terrorism prevention in the region, in addition to, fostering criminal justice reform and strengthening anti-corruption measures. UNODC promoted evidence-based drug demand reduction and HIV prevention strategies and strengthened research and trends analysis capabilities.

The global community, as well as the countries in the region understand that addressing, illicit drug trafficking, terrorism and its financing, as well as the emerging threats of new psychoactive substances and the darknet is a shared responsibility. While acknowledging the risks and vulnerabilities emanating out of the emerging threats, there is merit in developing further dialogue, discussion and discourse in the region including with the international community, in addressing the indivisibility of these challenges.

Taking this opportunity, UNODC ROCA would like to express its sincere gratitude to the Governments of Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus, civil society, UN sister agencies and other partners for their continued engagement. The achievements outlined in this report would not have been possible without the generous contribution of the donors.

For more information:

VIDEO highlighting key results of the 2018 Annual Report

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