Preventing and managing conflicts of interest (article 7, paragraph 4, of the United Nations Convention against Corruption)
Constantine Palicarsky
Ninth Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 5-7 September 2018)

Thematic discussion on preventing and managing conflict of interest (art.7, para. 4, of UNCAC)
Marina Micunovic
Ninth Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 5-7 September 2018)

Preventing Conflicts of Interest in the U.S. Federal Executive Branch
Christopher Swartz
Ninth Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 5-7 September 2018)

Managing Conflicts of Interest
Felicitas Neuhaus
Ninth Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 5-7 September 2018)

New Zealand
New Zealand’s experience with conflicts of interest
Ninth Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 5-7 September 2018)

Conflicts of Interest and Asset Declarations
Jonathan Agar
Third Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 27-29 August 2012)

The Financial Disclosure Statements System in Argentina
Laura Geler
Third Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 27-29 August 2012)

Proactive Measures in relation to Conflicts of Interest
Akira Yamamoto
Third Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 27-29 August 2012)

United States
U.S. Financial Disclosure System in the Executive Branch: Presidential Appointees & Ethics Agreements
Jane Ley
Third Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 27-29 August 2012)

Council of Europe
The Fight against corruption in public administration: Lessons learned during GRECO's Monitoring
Laura Sanz-Levia
Second Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 22-24 August 2011)

Supporting the implementation of the UNCAC preventive measures: Prevention of corruption in the Public Sector
Janos Bertock
Second Intersessional Meeting (Vienna, 22-24 August 2011)