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IMPORTANT NOTICE: For reasons of economy, documentation for the session will be printed in limited quantities. Delegates are therefore requested to bring their own copies to the session. |
In its resolution 3/2, entitled "Preventive measures", the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption decided to establish an interim open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group, in accordance with article 63, paragraph 7, of the United Nations Convention, and rule 2, paragraph 2 of the rules of procedure of the Conference of the States Parties, to advise and assist the Conference in the implementation of its mandate on the prevention of corruption.
The Conference also decided that the Working Group should perform the following functions: (a) assist the Conference in developing and accumulating knowledge in the area of prevention of corruption; (b) facilitate the exchange of information and experience among States on preventive measures and practices; (c) facilitate the collection, dissemination and promotion of best practices in corruption prevention; and (d) assist the Conference in encouraging cooperation among all stakeholders and sectors of society in order to prevent corruption.
At its first meeting held in Vienna from 13 to 15 December 2010, the Working Group on the Prevention of Corruption recommended that each of its future meetings focus on a specific and manageable number of substantive topics taken from chapter II of the Convention (CAC/COSP/WG.4/2010/7, paragraph 4 (a)). Accordingly, the Working Group recommended that its next meeting, to be held in Vienna from 22 to 24 August 2011, focus on the following topics:
(a) Awareness-raising policies and practices, with special reference to articles 5, 7, 12 and 13 of the Convention;
(b) The public sector and prevention of corruption: codes of conduct (article 8 of the Convention) and public reporting (article 10 of the Convention).
The Working Group encouraged States parties to share their initiatives and good practices in the area of prevention of corruption, particularly those practices relevant to specific topics to be addressed at its future meetings (see paragraphs (a) and (b) above), and to communicate such initiatives and good practices to the Secretariat.
Note Verbale to Member States:
Contributions received