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IMPORTANT NOTICE: For reasons of economy, documentation for the session will be printed in limited quantities. Delegates are therefore requested to bring their own copies to the session. |
The Working Group had recommended at its second intersessional meeting that in advance of each future meeting of the Working Group, States parties should be invited to share their experiences of implementing the provisions under consideration, preferably by using the self-assessment checklist and including, where possible, successes, challenges, technical assistance needs, and lessons learned in implementation (CAC/COSP/WG.4/2011/4, paragraph 12).
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime therefore sought the cooperation of all States parties and signatories to the Convention in providing pertinent information on their relevant initiatives and practices to the Secretariat in relation to the topics for discussion at the fourth intersessional Working Group meeting:
(a) Integrity in the judiciary, judicial administration and prosecution services (art. 11) and;
(b) Public education, in particular the engagement of children and young people and the role of mass media and the Internet (art.13).
Below the Secretariat produces copies of all of the information provided by States parties and signatories in advance of this meeting.
Note Verbale to Member States: English French Spanish
Contributions received
Panel 1: Integrity in the judiciary, judicial administration and prosecution service
UNODC Integrity in the judiciary, judicial administration and prosecution services Jonathan Agar |
Lebanon The Lebanese Experience: Preventing Corruption in the Judiciary while Preserving its Independence Judge Arlette Jreissati |
Costa Rica Integridad del Poder Judicial, la Administración de Justicia y el Ministerio Público Miguel Cortés Chaves |
Panel 2: Public Education: Schools and Universities
UNODC Public education: The engagement of children and young people Constanze Von Soehnen |
China Successful Practices of Integrity Education in Schools and Universities in China Liu Xiaoyan |
Austia Anti-Corruption Training for Students of 14-18 Years Susanne Meixner |
Venezuela The General Comptroller Office goes to School Patricia Camero |
Panel 3: Public Education through Mass Media and the Internet
UNODC Public education through mass media and the Internet Constanze Von Soehnen |
Mauritius Public education through mass media and the Internet A. K. Ujoodha |
Chile Autoevaluación Participativa y Representativa de la Convención de Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción en Chile Patricia Arriagada |
United States of America Transparency to Prevent Corruption Wendy Pond |