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IMPORTANT NOTICE: For reasons of economy, documentation for the session will be printed in limited quantities. Delegates are therefore requested to bring their own copies to the session. |
The Working Group had recommended at its second intersessional meeting that in advance of each future meeting of the Working Group, States parties should be invited to share their experiences of implementing the provisions under consideration, preferably by using the self-assessment checklist and including, where possible, successes, challenges, technical assistance needs, and lessons learned in implementation (CAC/COSP/WG.4/2011/4, paragraph 12).
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime therefore sought the cooperation of all States parties and signatories to the Convention in providing pertinent information on their relevant initiatives and practices to the Secretariat in relation to the topics for discussion at the sixth intersessional Working Group meeting:
(a) Measures to prevent money-laundering (art. 14);
(b) Integrity in public procurement processes and transparency and accountability in the management of public finances (arts. 9 and 10).
Below the Secretariat produces copies of all of the information provided by States parties and signatories in advance of this meeting.
Note Verbale CU 2015 58 inviting contributions: English
Follow-up Note Verbale CU 2015 97: English
Contributions received
Letter to the Private Sector: English
UNODC Measures to prevent money-laundering Article 14 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption Julia PILGRIM & Claudia SAYAGO |
Belgium Cross‐border movement of cash and negotiable instruments - Regulation and Control Boudewijn VERHELST |
Lebanon Regulatory and Supervisory Role of the SIC in Implementing Relevant Provisions of Article 14 of UNCAC Abdul-Faiz MANSOUR |
FATF Risk‐Based Approach to AML/CFTArticle 14 of UNCAC Ashish KUMAR |
OAS Prevención del lavado de dinero en las Américas: desafíos y buenas prácticas en materia de coordinación inter‐institucional y cooperación internacional Ana ALVAREZ |
UNODC Integrity in public procurement processes and transparency and accountability in the management of public finances - Articles 9 and 10 Constantine PALICARSKY |
Argentina Transparency maps in public procurement as a tool to prevent corruption Gabriel ROLERI |
Germany Corruption risks in procurement and how they are addressed in Germany Oliver MAOR |
UNCITRAL Promoting Good Governance and Combatting Corruption Caroline NICHOLAS |
Italy The main functions of the Italian national anti-corruption authority in preventing corruption in the field of public procurement Nicoletta PARISI |
UNODC Implementation of the Follow-up to the Marrakech Declaration on the prevention of corruption (Resolution 5/4) Candice WELSCH |