- 16/12/2023 - UN anti-corruption conference concludes in Atlanta reaffirming commitment to UN Convention against Corruption
- 13/12/2023 - Fighting corruption to protect wildlife in Kenya
- 11/12/2023 - United Nations Conference in Atlanta will develop a common vision for future anti-corruption efforts (press release)
- 10/12/2023 - The pivotal role of the private sector in combating corruption for economic development and social well-being
- 02/11/2023 - Regional Conference Advances Implementation of United Nations Convention Against Corruption in Central Asia
- 31/10/2023 - Uniting the world against corruption: Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
- 19/10/2023 - Building a clean silk road: UNODC Executive Director urges Belt and Road Initiative Partners to take a stand against corruption
- 11/10/2023 - Uniting to Counter Corruption in the Caribbean
- 02/10/2023 - EU and UNODC meet for 2nd Anti-Corruption Dialogue
- 28/09/2023 - Empowering African youth and civil society to combat corruption
- 22/09/2023 - FIFA and UNODC renew Memorandum of Understanding to kick crime out of football
- 21/09/2023 - With just seven years left, progress on Sustainable Development Goal 16 is dangerously off track, says new UN report
- 25/07/2023 - “We are ready”: using theatre to help build anti-corruption champions among youth
- 19/07/2023 - Practitioners Discuss Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 14/07/2023 - Training and certification on ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery management standard for public officials in North Macedonia
- 06/07/2023 - UNODC supports Bosnia and Herzegovina in Developing Practical Guidance to Support Implementation of Codes of Conduct
- 06/07/2023 - Development of Fast Action Response Guides on Asset Recovery for North Macedonia and Montenegro
- 13/06/2023 - UNODC supports the Development of Practical Guides for Increasing Asset Recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 08/06/2023 - Strengthening international cooperation in investigation and prosecution of corruption cases in South-Eastern Europe
- 02/06/2023 - Fast-tracking the fight against corruption in Southern Africa
- 26/05/2023 - Highlighting the importance of anti-corruption education in fostering a culture of integrity
- 23/05/2023 - Development of Practical Guides for Increasing Asset Recovery supported by UNODC
- 23/05/2023 - Roundtable on anti-corruption education in Montenegro
- 23/05/2023 - Roundtable on anti-corruption education in Serbia
- 23/05/2023 - UNODC Supports Development of New Legislation on Confiscation and Management of Stolen Assets in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 27/04/2023 - Fast-tracking the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in Central America
- 27/04/2023 - Training on analytical investigation methods in corruption investigations and asset recovery in North Macedonia and Serbia
- 04/04/2023 - Mexico: Coding4 Integrity Prize awarded to prototype detecting counterfeit medicine
- 31/03/2023 - UNODC continues to support the First FBiH Asset Recovery Strategy
- 24/03/2023 - Coordination of asset recovery efforts in South-Eastern Europe
- 23/03/2023 - Embracing the African philosophy of uMunthu to bolster anti-corruption education
- 21/03/2023 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and UN-Women join forces for gender equality (press release)
- 24/02/2023 - Building better business integrity: reducing private sector corruption through education
- 02/02/2023 - UNODC presents Global Report on Corruption in Sport in the Russian language (press release)