November 28, 2019

Find Your Guiding Light • CHOOSE SPORT • S3E2

When young people #ChooseSport over risky habits, their lives transform. 15-year-old Ibodullo used to hang out with the wrong crowd and was a street hooligan. After starting practicing jujitsu, he became more disciplined and "found his light for a healthy life".

November 28, 2019

Down Hill but on the Rise • CHOOSE SPORT • S3E1

From the city streets to the city council - Ivan from Kyrgyzstan has traveled a long way. When his life was going downhill, he decided to take a sharp turn and #ChooseSport . Skiing gave Ivan the inner strength to help others in his community.

November 25, 2019

The Global Judicial Integrity Network: Upholding Judicial Integrity

Judge Edith Zeller, President of the Association of European Administrative Judges, speaks with the Global Judicial Integrity Network on how to promote judicial integrity and prevent judicial misconduct by creating codes of judicial conduct. 

November 8, 2019

A Gender-Responsive Approach to Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

Trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants are very complex crimes. It is important to understand these complexities for a sustainable and effective response. Indeed, there are several misconceptions about victims of trafficking and the smuggling of migrants. Truth is that victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants can be men, women, girls, and boys who are exploited for different purposes. Thus, it is important to know what is a gender-responsive approach to human trafficking and migrant smuggling and why is it important to understand the complexities of these crimes?

October 28, 2019

Empowering the Next Generation to Transform the World

The Global Doha Declaration Programme organized a seminar at the historic Diplomatic Academy of Vienna to empower future diplomats to transform the world promoting a culture of lawfulness.

October 22, 2019

The Global Judicial Integrity Network: International Judicial Cooperation

Judge Madiyar Balken of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan speaks with the Global Judicial Integrity Network about international judicial cooperation, including a discussion of Kazakhstan's ongoing judicial reform programme, which intends to promote good practices and standards in the judiciary.

For the English transcript of the interview, please visit:

October 17, 2019

Educate to empower

Together with partners, UNODC's Doha Declaration is using education to promote the rule of law and build teaching methods for educators. Intrinsically linked to helping achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, these solutions also help bolster gender equality, encourage innovation and take a creative approach towards empowerment as essential blocks in helping build a better safer world for all.

October 14, 2019

Create for Justice: 16-year-old singing about human trafficking and the UN Global Goals

Daniel Hsuan is a 16-year-old singer and songwriter from Taipei. He is one of the winners of the Education for Justice contest that has offered students an opportunity to speak up on the rule of law through the arts.  Daniel's song, and his accompanying music video about human trafficking, moved the judges and won him a chance to perform at the International Conference "Educating for the Rule Of Law" held under the Education for Justice initiative of UNODC's Doha Declaration Global Programme.