September 13, 2017

The Global Judicial Integrity Network - a powerful tool to tackle corruption in the judiciary

In the run up to the launch of the Global Judicial Integrity Network in 2018, UNODC is bringing together diverse groups of justice officials and associations from across the world to exchange good practices and challenges in judicial integrity, as well as expectations of the Network.

August 22, 2017

Judicial Integrity: Diego García Sayán, UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges

Under the Doha Declaration Global Programme, UNODC is working towards the creation of a Global Judicial Integrity Network. We recently met with Diego García Sayán, UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, to talk about the role the Network can play in strengthening judicial integrity, preventing corruption in the justice sector, and boosting trust in public institutions.

August 21, 2017

Education for Justice: Kishore Sing, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education

UNODC's Education for Justice (E4J) initiative is working at primary, secondary and tertiary levels to help teach issues around the rule of law. We recently met with Mr. Kishore Sing, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, to chat about this and hear his views on the role of education on justice and the rule of law in shaping the values of future generations.

May 25, 2017

Line Up Live Up Football Exhibition for CCPCJ 2017

At the 26th Crime Commission in 2017, UNODC demonstrated some of the life skills exercises on a specially constructed pitch in the UN Plaza - a location not generally known as the setting for a football match! Working with partners including the FIFA Grassroots Programme, the NGO Grassroot Soccer South Africa, and the First Vienna Football Club youth team, attendees were shown the exact exercises employed to help youth aged 13-17 gain the necessary skills and mind-set to be able to resist anti-social behaviours.


May 23, 2017

SDG's and the Doha Declaration Global Programme

Working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is at the core of the Doha Declaration Global Programme - an issue highlighted during the 26th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna.

May 18, 2017

Line Up Live Up in Brazil (EP.2)

UNODC's life skills training initiative as part of its global activities to prevent youth crime under the Doha Declaration Global Programme has started in Brazil.

The initiative focuses on sports in order to build resilience of youth by enhancing their life skills and increase their knowledge of the consequences of crime and drug use. With a view to positively influence attitudes and prevent anti-social and risky behaviour, the initiative is first being piloted in Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro, before being rolled out to other regions, including Latin America, Southern Africa and Central Asia.


May 16, 2017

Building a global brand of prison products

Work-related activities within prisons play a critical role for both prisoners and society. Rehabilitation provides prisoners an opportunity to develop skills, increase post-release employability and contribute to families and society.

UNODC's work supports this and we're looking to build a global brand of prison products to further boost rehabilitation efforts. Recently prison practitioners from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, EL Salvador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay gathered to discuss this issue, bringing with them a vast selection of items from their countries.


April 6, 2017

Education for Justice: Salam Kedan, Salam Centre for Peace

"How can programmes such as Model UN help today's youth be better engaged with key issues affecting their lives"?

This is the question we posed to Salam Kedan, founder of the Salam Centre for Peace, on the sidelines of a recent meeting in Vienna looking at developing a UNODC Guide for organizers of Model United Nations.