Vienna Crime and Justice Training E-Lectures


Please fill out the evaluation form. If you haven't done so already, you can also indicate whether you would like to get a Certificate of Participation.



The best-rated answers were provided by Ms. Allison McClelland (Australia), a student of  the Vienna University class on "The United Nations and Crime Prevention". The Thailand Institute of Justice kindly offered the winner of the quiz an internship at its premises.


Questions for the quiz were:

1. A boyfriend transports his girlfriend across a border.  After a time, she prostitutes herself.  Is he guilty of trafficking?

2. A victim of human trafficking committed a theft because he is forced to do so by the trafficker. Should the prosecutor bring the offender to court or  should the victim be punished?

3. What sense does it make to involve stakeholders in crime prevention strategies?

Please reply in a maximum of 500 words. Thank you.