Vienna Crime and Justice Training E-Lectures


UNODC published a number of handbooks and tools on the implementation of the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice standards and norms.

Please find a number of handbooks and tools related to the topic of "Sport, Violence and Crime Prevention".

More handbooks and publications can be found on the UNODC website.


Handbook on the crime prevention guidelines - Making them work

Crime prevention
assessment tool

Handbook on planning and action for Crime Prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean Regions

Gender in the criminal justice system assessment tool

Preventing amphetamine-type stimulant use among young people

Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention


Sport - using sport for drug abuse prevention

Participatory Handbook for Youth Drug Abuse Prevention Programmes:

A Guide for Development and Improvement

Compendium of United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice


Tools Catalogue of UNODC Justice Section:

Criminal Justice, Prison Reform and Crime Prevention Tools and Publications