This module is a resource for lecturers
Module 3 explores how corruption manifests in different types of political systems (democratic, hybrid and authoritarian) and how political parties and political financing are affected by corruption. Furthermore, the Module discusses political institution-building as a means of preventing and combating corruption. The core messages of the Module are that: i) corruption looks different depending on the nature and structure of the political system and the context in which it occurs; and ii) corruption can be fought through institutional design. The Module considers manifestations of corruption in various political structures in governments around the world, and in competitive versus non-competitive electoral processes. Furthermore, it discusses public participation in elections and voting behaviour, referring to the prevailing explanations of why voters sometimes re-elect corrupt politicians or oust non-corrupt politicians owing to corrupt influences. The Module also addresses conceptual issues such as the role of the State and the difference between democracy and authoritarianism. It considers practical aspects of how corruption relates to these discussions from a comparative perspective and develops some of the issues raised in Module 2 of the E4J University Module Series on Anti-Corruption, delving deeper into the different political systems and their relationship with corruption.
Learning outcomes
- Explain the relationship between different political systems and corruption, and why certain political structures can be more vulnerable to corruption
- Describe different patterns of corruption in different political systems
- Discuss how institutional design can be used to fight corruption
- Provide examples of anti-corruption measures in democratic, hybrid and authoritarian systems
- Assess the role of political parties and party financing from a corruption perspective
Key issues
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