Narcotics body's annual report highlights alarming trends in drug abuse

Photo: INCB 24 February 2010 - In its Annual Report released today in Vienna, Austria, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) highlights the growing problem of prescription drug abuse, alarming new trends in the manufacture of drugs and prevention of drug abuse. INCB is also raising the alarm about new psychoactive substances which are easier to obtain and under less stringent international controls.

The INCB Annual Report is one of the flagship publications produced every year to address the world drug problem. ( See full report)

Every year in June, UNODC publishes another flagship publication, the World Drug Report, which provides one of the most complete assessments of the international drug problem, with comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and information on trends in the production, trafficking and use of opium/heroin, coca/cocaine, cannabis and amphetamine-type stimulants. The Report, based on data and estimates collected or prepared by Governments, UNODC and other international institutions, attempts to identify trends in the evolution of global illicit drug markets.

Through the World Drug Report, UNODC aims to enhance Member States' understanding of global illicit drug trends and increase their awareness of the need for the more systematic collection and reporting of data relating to illicit drugs.

UNODC also produces an Annual Report, which gives an overview of what UNODC is doing to help Member States address the threat posed by drugs, crime and terrorism. The Annual Report also provides highlights of other UNODC projects, resource mobilization, strategy implementation and development of strategic partnerships.

Related Information

International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)
World Drug Report
UNODC Annual Report

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