''Stigma fuels HIV''

01 Dicember, 2011 - Stigma, prejudice, discrimination. These are some of the major barriers to prevention, treatment and promotion of quality of life.

Because of the stigma, people living with HIV suffer rejection, even in the workplace. Other people fear the result of the HIV test and, therefore, end up failing to seek treatment and care that could save their lives and reduce the potential for transmission.

Given this reality, the UN agencies in Brazil launches today (1/12) the campaign 'Stigma Fuels HIV' to promote among UN officials and employees awareness on the negative impact caused by the stigma associated with HIV.

The campaign messages and disseminates information about HIV and AIDS through awareness-raising and informational materials and a website (bestigmafree.org / pr), which presents the campaign materials in five languages. Events will also be held with officials in various agencies of the UN System in Brazil.

The campaign is an initiative of the UN Cares Programme (UN on HIV in the workplace) and UNPlus (Group of UN staff living with HIV).

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