From 19 to 21 June 2024, UNODC conducted in Astana, Kazakhstan, a regional training on risk profiling and methods of detecting drug couriers at border crossing points for twenty-three mid-level officers from the border services of Central Asian countries.
By focusing on risk profiling, behavioral analysis, and utilizing advanced technology tools, the training aimed to equip law enforcement officers with essential skills to enhance border security and combat smuggling activities.
Yusuf Kurbonov, UNODC International Programme Coordinator, and Igor Cherepkov, Advisor to the Director of the Border Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, delivered welcoming remarks at the event, emphasizing the importance of regional collaboration.
Both speakers stressed the value of such regional training programmes in sharing best practices and strengthening cross-border and inter-agency cooperation. Mr. Kurbonov highlighted the complex challenges posed by the surge in illicit precursor trafficking, synthetic drug production, and sophisticated concealment methods employed by drug couriers in Central Asia. He underscored the vital role of border agencies as the first line of defense against criminal activities.
Mr. Cherepkov emphasized that the region’s growing focus on legitimate trade and transit hubs necessitates enhanced cross-border communication and cooperation among border agencies.
Barzu Avazzoda, an expert from CARICC, presented an analysis of the drug situation in the CARICC member states. He highlighted key trends, including the increasing number of foreign citizens detained for drug-related offenses, the rise in psychotropic substance seizures, the discovery of illicit drug laboratories, and the evolving drug situation in border areas. He emphasized CARICC’s coordination role in conducting cross-border anti-drug operations, leveraging knowledge of drug concealment methods.
Lola Shakimova, Honorary Professor of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan and member of the Association of Psychologists and Psychotherapists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shared insights into the psychological principles of verification and operative profiling. She discussed the identification of deceptive behavior through verbal and non-verbal cues, the techniques of operative profiling, and the cultural nuances in interpreting non-verbal gestures.
Ziya Yildirim, an expert from TADOС, presented best practices for identifying potential criminals. He covered principles and methods of surveillance of individuals, effective interviewing techniques, and advanced search methods, illustrated through case studies and practical video demonstrations.
Professors Yerzhan Ospanov and Nurzhan Juzbayev from the Border Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan led a lively discussion on risk indicators.
The participants expressed their appreciation for the training’s organization and content, emphasizing its practical orientation and thematic relevance. They expressed hope for future regional events that would continue to foster knowledge sharing and collaboration in the fight against drug trafficking.
Training participants also took part in a practical demonstration exercise on identifying illegally trafficked drugs and counterfeit passports, held during the World Drug Day awareness-raising campaign at Astana International Airport.
The campaign was organized by UNODC in collaboration with the Border Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During the campaign, border control officers stationed at the airport distributed informative leaflets to passengers, highlighting measures against illicit drug trafficking and use. They also provided information about the dangers of drug use, aligning with this year’s World Drug Day theme: “Evidence is clear: invest in prevention”.
UNODC materials and informational banners were accessible in the departure and arrival areas of the airport.
The training and the campaign were conducted within the framework of the UNODC Regional Project on Enhancing Cross-Border Cooperation by Strengthening the Capacity of Border Liaison Offices in Central Asia of Sub-programme 1 Preventing and Countering Transnational Organized Crime of the UNODC Programme for Central Asia 2022 - 2025 designed to strengthen the capacity of border crossing points and improve cross-border cooperation by promoting the concept of Border Liaison Offices and developing information and communication networks for border agencies.
The project is funded by the Government of Japan.
World Drug Day campaign leaflet in English
World Drug Day campaign leaflet in Kazakh
World Drug Day campaign leaflet in Russian
Learn more about the project:
United for Security: A Look at UNODC’s Cross-Border Cooperation Initiative in Central Asia
For further information, please contact:
Nurangez Abdulhamidova
Communications and External Relations Specialist
UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia
Email: nurangez.abdulhamidova[at]