On 18-29 July, UNODC, jointly with experts from the Turkish International Academy against Drugs and Organized Crime (TADOC) – the structure within the Turkish National Police established by UNODC, conducted a training course on risk analysis and crime intelligence analysis for law enforcement officers from the Drug Control Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan and Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The training aimed to equip the law enforcement officers with the knowledge, techniques, and skills to obtain reliable intelligence data. The participants learned about strategic and tactical assessments and data analysis related to crime through theoretical and practical sessions.
“It is crucial for officers-analysts to use initial data in the crime intelligence analysis. The training programme is designed to provide trainees with appropriate techniques for the collection and storage of raw data during their analytical tasks,” noted Mustafa Erten, Head of the UNODC Programme Office in Tajikistan in opening the training.
He thanked the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Drug Control Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for supporting the UNODC initiatives in Tajikistan.
Upon completion of the training, the participants were awarded certificates. They thanked UNODC for organizing the training and the trainers for their professionalism. They noted that such highly informative and useful courses would enhance the efficiency of their day-to-day job.
The training was organized under the regional project on Enhancing Capacity of Border Crossing Points and Improving Cross-Border Cooperation by Promoting Border Liaison Offices’ Concept and Development of Information and Communication Networks for Border Agencies of Sub-programme 1 “Countering transnational organized crime, illicit drug trafficking and preventing terrorism” of the UNODC Programme for Central Asia 2022-2025.
The project is funded by the Government of Japan.
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For further information, please contact:
Nurangez Abdulhamidova
Communication and External Relations Officer
UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia
Email: nurangez.abdulhamidova[at]un.org