UNODC continues to strengthen the analytical capacities of the Tajik border officers to combat cross-border crime and ensure effective border control. Information processing and analysis form a key component for effective and efficient border management activities in this effort.
On 23-27 September, UNODC conducted a training course on the provision of informational and analytical support for management activities for twenty-five border officers from analytical divisions of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO).
In her opening address, Ms. Sita Farrell, Director, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Office at the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe, noted: “With the dynamic changes in the stability and security of neighboring countries, it is important that the border officers are equipped with required skills to prevent threats. The goal of the training is to provide the necessary skills to Border Guards’ officers that will add value in enhancing their analytical skills and addressing the cross-border threats more efficiently.”
“I am confident that the training will enhance the efficiency of the border officers-analysts’ job,” noted Colonel Bakhtiyor Sobirov, Deputy Head of the Regional Department of the Border Troops in GBAO, in his opening speech. He expressed thanks on behalf of the management for the timely organization of this important training.
“The training is being conducted at an important time to strengthen the gathering and analysis of strategic and tactical intelligence concerning smuggling of illicit drugs and other contraband and assessing the threats posed on the border by organized crime. The competent and thorough analysis aids the agency to correctly deploy resources and be able to monitor certain border areas more effectively,” said Mr. Mustafa Erten, Head of the UNODC Programme Office in Tajikistan, in his opening remarks.
During the training, the participants learned about information security and protection of information, including protection of computerized information, analysis and assessment of the operating environment, creation of analytical maps by using geoinformation mapping, use of IBM i2 software for data processing and analysis, among others.
The training was delivered by national UNODC experts - border officers who completed the UNODC training-of-trainers courses.
Upon completion of the training, the participants were awarded certificates. They thanked UNODC for organizing the course and the trainers for their professionalism. They noted that such highly informative and useful trainings would enhance the efficiency of their day-to-day job.
The training was organized as part of the UNODC Initiative on Strengthening Control along the Tajik-Afghan Border under the UNODC Programme for Central Asia for 2015-2021. The initiative is focused to utilize the train-the-trainer approach to ensure the sustainability of intelligence collection methods and analytical capabilities. It is in line with the National Border Management Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2010-2025.
Since 2006, UNODC has constructed and rehabilitated eleven border posts and outposts on the Tajik-Afghan border, mainly at the Shurobod and Shahrituz stretches. Currently, UNODC is working on designing and projecting works for the construction of the strategic border outpost - Chaldovar at the Shahrituz stretch of the Tajik-Afghan border.
The outpost will be constructed for 75 border officers with their families. The project will also supply the site with furniture and equipment to provide the border officers with proper living and working conditions.
The initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).
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For further information, please contact:
Nurangez Abdulhamidova
Communication and External Relations Officer
UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia
Email: nurangez.abdulhamidova[at]