The socio-political stability and economic prosperity are globally impacted by corruption and economic crimes. This is particularly true in Latin America and the Caribbean, where several countries have experienced protests and demonstrations of discontent and distrust in government institutions, a situation exacerbated by the challenge of managing and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The UNGASS political declaration on corruption held in June 2021, in line with General Assembly resolution 73/191 (2018), promoted by Colombia and Peru, recognizes corruption as a threat to the stability and security of societies.
This document also highlights the role of actors such as civil society, media, and whistleblowers in detecting and reporting corruption, and establishes a series of steps to end impunity for corruption-related crimes, such as: strong and independent law enforcement authorities; capacity-building and effective cooperation among authorities.
UNODC, as the guardian of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), will prioritize actions in four thematic areas in Latin America and the Caribbean:
a) Fighting corruption and economic crimes;
b) Addressing the global drug problem;
c) Combating transnational organized crime; and
d) Strengthening crime prevention and criminal justice.
However, the complexity of these thematic areas makes it impossible to work on them in isolation. On the contrary, during implementation, every effort will be made to better understand and address the links and interactions between these areas.