CBT in Timor-Leste
Dili (Timor-Leste), 9 September 2009 - On 4 September 2009 the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) launched the official opening of the PNTL Computer Based Training Laboratory located at the Police Training Centre. Jointly sponsored by the US and Australian governments. A total of US$400,000 was gifted to the UNODC Computer Based Training (CBT) programme in Timor-Leste for the purpose of strengthening the capabilities of law enforcement agencies within the country.
The program unfolded with a great display of unity and support for CBT activities from all major parties. Both the US and Australian Ambassadors expressed their great satisfaction with the CBT Laboratory and full backing for future activities. The same sentiments were shared with PNTL as they now aim to take CBT forward and manage a systematic delivery to their national law enforcement officers. Logistical support from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) which has been a boon in the past will continue and be greatly beneficial in the delivery of CBT to PNTL officers.
The CBT Laboratory has been setup with 15 networked computers. These computers are dedicated solely towards carrying out CBT training to targeted law enforcement agencies that consists of PNTL, and PNTL Immigration officers. Using high quality voice, pictures, video, animation and training material in the user's own language (Bahasa) CBT training will be delivered to a targeted audience of over 3000 local law enforcement officers in Timor-Leste.
The key strengths of CBT include a standardized training program that has been tailored for law enforcement agencies. It is cost-effective, delivering training to a sizeable audience. CBT training provides student with an interactive e-learning platform that is stimulating and flexible as it can be made accessible 24 hrs a day. CBT training modules cover a wide range of subjects such as drug identification, interdiction techniques for airports, seaports and land control, search techniques, risk management, controlled deliveries, intellige nce, human trafficking, anti-money laundering and precursor chemicals. The UNODC CBT network currently has training modules in 18 languages in 52 countries that are delivered in over 300 dedicated Training Centres.
Upcoming CBT activities outlined by the UNODC Senior La w Enforcement Adviser, includes the development of a new CBT training module called "First Responders to a Crime Scene". This training module is due for completion in mid 2010 and Timor Leste will be the first country in the world to pilot it. The training module will deal with the awareness of physical evidence at the crime sc ene and how to collect and make use of it. Also under development is the formation of a
mobile CBT training unit aimed at reaching local provincial law enforcement officers based outside of Dili. These officers make up over half of the 3000 PNTL officers targeted for CBT training who do not have access to the CBT Laboratory in Dili as they are in remote districts.
The celebrated occasion was attended by the Deputy Commander of PNTL, US and Australian Ambassadors, the UNODC Senior Law Enforcement Adviser from the Regional Centre for East Asia and Pacific as well as representatives from UN, Customs, Immigration, UNPOL, and other heads of divisions and districts within the law enforcement agencies of Timor-Leste. The event was covered by various local media outlets including the Timor Post and Television Timor-Leste (TVTL).