Bangkok (Thailand), 21 October 2009 - The UNODC Regional Centre in Bangkok recently welcomed a delegation from Turkmenistan to study the efficacy of Border Liaison Office (BLO) operations along the borders of Thailand/Laos and Thailand/Myanmar. The BLO operations are designed to control the illicit trafficking of drugs along these border areas.
The purpose of this study tour was to transfer knowledge and share experiences, based on the success of the BLOs along the border of Thailand, implemented under the project "
Consolidation and Enhancement of Border Liaison Office (BLO) Mechanism in East Asia (RASI61)".
The mission was co-organized by the UNODC Turkmenistan Project Office and involved high-level officials of Turkmen law enforcement agencies.
Between 12 and 16 October 2009 the team visited the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) in Bangkok, 5 local Offices in Chiang Mai (Thailand) and 3 BLOs in Northern Thailand: Mae Sai, Chiang Saen and Chiang Khong in Chiang Rai Province.
The team was able to confirm its knowledge and understanding of the BLO operations in SE Asia through first-hand visits to operational units along Thai borders with neighboring countries Lao PDR and Myanmar.
The experience of sharing best practices from SE Asia will be applied in Central Asia between Turkmenistan and its neighboring countries.
The Turkmen team comprised: