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eLearning training in Khmer starts at the top

Phnom Penh (Cambodia), 1 July 2015
- Police commissioners from ten provinces received a new round of training to counter transnational organized crime using eLearning technology. Participants received training in ten separate modules covering topics such as, interdiction techniques, risk management and risk profiling, and identifying suspicious behavior indicators. This is the third in a series of on-going trainings in Cambodia using the UNODC eLearning Mobile Training Unit (eLMTU) with previous trainings having occurred in February and March of this year.

The eLMTU is specially designed for frontline officers, providing them with access to 18 training courses, including 84 modules in the Khmer language. The mobile unit allows for the training of officers in remote areas, where access to on-line services may not be always possible or practical.

Regional integration throughout ASEAN is expected to significantly increase the frequency and variety of cross-border movements of goods, capital and people in the legal economy. Effective border facilitation and trained front-line officers operating in rural border crossings will be crucial in curbing transnational organised crime groups that may seek to benefit from this process.

The eLMTU is part of an ongoing effort to enhance the UNODC Border Liaison Office (BLO) network to tackle the threats of transnational organised crime in Southeast Asia. The UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and related protocols provide UNODC with the mandate to assist Member States in their struggle against various forms of transnational organized crime. Support by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection has enabled the UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific to conduct local trainings, workshops and capacity building initiatives to strengthen border management in Cambodia and throughout the Greater Mekong Sub-region as part of its Regional Programme for Southeast Asia 2014-2017 sub-programme on Transnational Organised Crime and Illicit Trafficking.