Đồng Hới City (Viet Nam), 17 September 2024 - Viet Nam continues to strengthen reporting and protection systems for whistle-blowers, which is one of the strongest methods to detect and mitigate corruption cases. Last month, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) partnered with the National Assembly’s Judicial Committee in Viet Nam to offer a workshop on whistle-blower protection for Vietnamese Government officials and legislators.
“The protection of reporting persons and whistle-blowers is repeatedly referred to as one of the most effective tools to prevent, detect and ultimately prosecute corruption cases. A robust reporting and protection system is a cornerstone of the fight against corruption and contributes to institutional accountability in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16”, said Louise Portas, whistle-blower expert and UNODC crime prevention and criminal justice officer, referring to Goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Whistle-blower protection is an essential component of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), and was established as a priority during the 10th session of the Conference of the States Parties to UNCAC, with the adoption of resolution 10/8, entitled “Protection of reporting persons”. However, it remains as one of the main challenges in the implementation of the Convention across many countries.
This workshop built on UNODC’s increased focus on technical assistance on whistle-blower protection to UNCAC State parties globally, and notably under objective three on “Strengthen whistle-blower protection frameworks and mechanisms” under the Regional Roadmap to Fast-Track the Implementation of UNCAC (2024-2027).
Participants learned about the latest international standards applicable to whistle-blower protection, enhanced their understanding of Viet Nam’s existing frameworks, policies and practices to protect whistle-blowers and reporting persons, and benefited from the sharing of good practices and challenges by the Republic of Korea.
Under the guidance of UNODC experts and the leaders of National Assembly’s Judicial Committee, the workshop finalized with the development of a workplan outline to advance whistle-blower protection efforts in Viet Nam. This included the need to continue improving the existing regulatory framework, and to provide for a mechanism to receive information or complaints including by strengthening internal reporting systems.
Click here to learn more about UNODC’s anti-corruption efforts in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
Click here to learn more about UNODC’s Regional Roadmap to Reinvigorate the Platform to Fast-Track the Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in Southeast Asia.