UNODC Conference produces recommendations to curb foreign bribery within ASEAN Economic Community

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Group photo at the 2014 Regional Meeting on Curbing Foreign Bribery
in ASEAN Economic Community

Opening ceremony with H.E. Dr. Om Yentieng, Senior Minister, President
of Anti-Corruption Unit of Cambodia, H.E. Top Som, President of the
National Council Against Corruption along with Ms. Wan-Hea Lee, UN Resident
Coordinator a.i. for Cambodia and Mr. Shervin Majlessi, UNODC Regional
Anti-Corruption Advisor for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, listening to
Mr. Yoshihiro Higuchi, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in
Cambodia delivering his remarks

Participants engage in the plenary session on foreign bribery legal frameworks

Panelists debate the challenges for the enforcement of foreign bribery
legal frameworks in a plenary session

Participants break into small groups to discuss good practices for the
enforcement of foreign bribery and elaborate recommendations

Participants report the small groups' conclusions to the plenary after the discussions

Participants report the small groups' conclusions to the plenary after the discussions

Conference participants informally exchange at the end of the first day of
debate over a dinner hosted by the Anti-Corruption Unit of Cambodia

Participants debate with the panelists after the presentation on International Cooperation

Participants informally exchange over a coffee break

Conference participants listen to the panel on prevention of foreign bribery