
The Challenge:

Cybercrime continues to grow in the region and is quickly evolving from an emerging threat to a criminal enterprise, which some believe could have a market value in excess of the illicit drug economy. Cybercrime incorporates a number of offences including 'hacking', computer-related forgery and fraud-like 'phishing', as well as content offences such as disseminating online child sexual abuse material, and copyright offences.

What we do:

UNODC has been part of global and regional responses to cybercrime since producing a comprehensive study of cybercrime related threats in 2013.

UNODC assists Member States to more effectively combat and prevent cybercrime, working with national and regional-level partners, particularly through ASEAN-based mechanisms and forums.

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Find out how UNODC works with national and regional-level partners, and assists Member States to more effectively combat and prevent cybercrime. [Read more]


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Click here to access our latest publications, reports, research and other updates on our work on combatting cybercrime. [Read more]

relevant contact

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Joshua James
Regional Counter-Cybercrime Coordinator