Human trafficking

The Challenge:

Human trafficking within the region is dynamic and there are several different sub-regional patterns and forms of trafficking, including for sexual exploitation, forced begging, forced marriage, and sale of virginity.

Capacity to deal with human trafficking varies, although there are some common challenges shared by most if not all countries, in particular Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.

What we do:

UNODC enhances the capacities and skills of law enforcement agencies to effectively identify and combat human trafficking operations.


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Find out how UNODC works with Member States to enhance capacities to effectively identify and combat human trafficking operations. [Read more]


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Click here to access our latest publications, reports, research and other updates on our work on combatting human trafficking. [Read more]

relevant contact

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Rebecca Miller
Regional Programme Coordinator
Human Trafficking/Smuggling of Migrants
(+66-2) 288-2619