Under the "Availability and Accessibility" initiative, an E-Learning tool on "Availability of and Access to Controlled Substances for Medical and Scientific Purposes" was developed by the Secretariat to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
The tool, comprising of 4 modules, aims to raise awareness for the policy commitments and challenges related to the availability of and access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, as well as to showcase the contributions of key international stakeholders in this area.
The Secretariat to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs has created an online course on the normative functions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs under the three international drug control conventions.
The course “Introduction to Scheduling” is targeting Member States’ delegates involved in the work of the Commission, as well as all other stakeholders interested in the CND and the international drug control system.
The eLearning tool on the “Implementation of all drug policy commitments” offers an overview of the implementation of drug policy commitments that the Commission is conducting.
It consists of 8 modules: An introduction to the work of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, demand reduction, availability and access, supply reduction, cross-cutting issues, trends and new challenges, international cooperation and alternative development.
Under each module, users find the challenges identified as well as the recommendations and commitments made by member states, examples of implementation of these recommendations that have been shared, and the user also learns about the support UNODC offers to Member States in achieving their commitments. Each lesson ends with links to documents referred to and useful contact information.
This directory lists competent national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and competent national authorities empowered to regulate or enforce national controls over precursors and essential chemicals; International bodies that might assist national competent authorities in case no authority is listed for a given country or region, or in case contact cannot be established with the listed authorities. The directory also includes contact details of national competent authorities or international bodies and is issued annually. Introductory texts in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Online directory of competent national authorities under the international drug control treaties
Released in December 2023
On a country-by-country basis, this publication lists national manufacturers authorized by Governments to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as manufacturers of precursor chemicals. Along with the name of manufacturers, readers will find contact details and the name of narcotic drugs and/or psychotropic substances each manufacturer is authorized to produce.
Released in January 2024
As a global leader in supporting countries to prevent and respond to the challenges posed by drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism, UNODC provides comprehensive assistance to Member States to implement the UNGASS 2016 outcome document and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). "People at the Centre: UNODC Support for UNGASS 2016 on the World Drug Problem" provides an overview of just some of the work UNODC is doing around the world to support implementation of the UNGASS 2016 operational recommendations, and shows how these projects and programmes relate to targets under the SDGs.
This publication provides an introduction to this treaty-based function of the Commission. The first part focuses on the scheduling procedure, which is divided into the processes involved before, during and after the voting on the scheduling recommendations. The second part explores the control regimes of the schedules of the 1961 and 1971 Conventions and the tables of the 1988 Convention.