An estimated quarter of a billion people, or around 5 per cent of the global adult population, used drugs at least once in 2015 (UNODC World Drug Report, 2017). Even more worrisome is the fact that about 29.5 million of those drug users, or 0.6 per cent of the global adult population, suffer from drug use disorders. This means that their drug use is harmful to the point that they may experience drug dependence and require treatment. Yet, with fewer than one in six persons with drug use disorders provided with treatment each year, the availability of and access to science-based services for the treatment of drug use disorders and related conditions remain limited. More than half of the world's population resides in cities, and that proportion is to reach two- thirds by 2050. Urban policymakers and practitioners, as well as other local stakeholders and civil society actors therefore have an instrumental role in providing drug prevention, treatment and care.
Guidelines on Drug Prevention and Treatment for Girls and Women
International Standards for The Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
International Standards on Drug Use Prevention
TREATNET Quality Standards for Drug Dependence Treatment and Care Services
Compilation of Evidence-Based Family Skills Training Programmes for Prevention
Youth Initiative Discussion Guide
From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence Through Health Care, Not Punishment
Reducing the Adverse Health and Social Consequences of Drug Abuse: A Comprehensive Approach
Guide to Implementing Family Skills Training Programmes for Drug Abuse Prevention
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care for Female Injecting Drug Users
HIV Prevention among Young Injecting Drug Users
Rapid Assessment and Response Guide on Injecting Drug Use
Training Guide for HIV Prevention Outreach to Injecting Drug Users
Guide to Starting and Managing Needle and Syringe Programmes
Rapid Assessment and Response Guide on Psychoactive Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviour
Policy and Programming Guide for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Among Injecting Drug Users
Compilation of Evidence-Based Family Skills Training Programmes
A Trainer's Manual on Drug Use Prevention, Treatment and Care among Street Children
Staying Safe - A Manual to Train Peer Educators in IDU interventions
Staying Safe - A Manual to Train Outreach Workers in IDU interventions
Training Module on Positive Living for Drug Users and their Sex Partners
The Report on the Urban Safety Governance Assessment in Mathare, Nairobi City - The assessment aimed to identify local challenges and opportunities related to urban safety and good governance and develop appropriate strategies and policies... read more
COVID-19 Response & Complex Emergencies - UNODC co-convened the thematic session: 'Bolstering local action to control the pandemic and accelerate implementation' ahead of the High Level Political Forum 2020... read more
Urban Safety Governance Assessments in Chilanzar - UNODC’s Urban Safety Governance Assessment is currently underway and results of the Assessment are expected in the third quarter of 2020... read more
Safety Governance Assessment Guide (EN) (ES) (RU)
Visit the Safety Audit Websites of Queretaro and Cali
See the Family Skills Training Programmes in low- and middle-income countries
Visit the UNODC Crime Prevention Webpages