Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/RES/1970/1475(XLVIII) | |
1475(XLVIII). | Steps towards early international control of psychotropic substances*/ |
The Economic and Social Council, Having decided by its resolution 1474(XLVIII) of 24 March 1970 to convene a conference of plenipotentiairies to adopt an international agreement on the control of psychotropic substances, Convinced that the general adoption of effective control measures in regard to psychotropic substances is essential to the fight against the abuse of these substances, Believing that the existence of such control measures would also help bring about the early entry into force of an international agreement by making it easier for Governments to ratify or accede to the agreement, Convinced that all feasible steps should be taken by Governments to prepare for the bringing into effect as soon as possible of a widely accepted system of international control of psychotropic substances, Recalling its resolution 1401(XLVI) of 5 June 1969 in which Governments, pending the entry into force of an international instrument, were recommended to apply urgent control measures to certain stimulant drugs, Recommends that Governments should give consideration to the adoption at the earliest possible date of additional measures for the national as well as international control of psychotropic substances and take measures to prevent the abuse of these substances. 1660th plenary meeting,