General Assembly | |
Distr. A/RES/2719(XXV) | |
2719(XXV). | Technical assistance in the field of drug abuse control |
The General Assembly, Noting with grave concern the spread of drug abuse in many parts of the world and its disastrous impact on individuals the spread of drug abuse in many parts of the world and its disastrous impact on individuals and nations, 1. Strongly endorses the decisions taken by the Economic and Social Council in its resolutions 1532(XLIX) of 24 July 1970 and 1559(XLIX) of 11 November 1970, which provide, inter alia, for the establishment of a programme of action aiming at the implementation of short-term and long-term policy recommendations to deal with drug abuse, as proposed by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs; 2. Welcomes the establishment, as an initial measure and as a matter of urgency, of a United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, to be made up of voluntary contributions; 3. Requests the Secretary-General to proceed immediately towards the implementation of the above decisions; 4. Appeals to Governments, organizations and programmes within the United Nations system, and to foundations as well as to the public in general, to lend their full support to the above-mentioned efforts. 1930th plenary meeting,