General Assembly | |
Distr. A/RES/2720(XXV) | |
2720(XXV). | Technical assistance in the field of narcotic drugs |
The General Assembly, Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 1559(XLIX) of 11 November 1970, Considering that addiction to narcotic drugs is becoming an alarming problem in many countries of the world, Considering that the measures that have been taken against illicit trade and traffic in narcotic drugs have not been successful in arresting wide-spread addiction, Noting that the term "drug abuse" has been defined in paragraph 20 of the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its second special session,49/ Taking into account that on the whole addicts in all countries constitute a danger to society at large, Calls upon Member States and appeals to non-member States to consider seriously the possibility of enacting adequate legislation providing severe penalties for those engaged in illicit trade and trafficking of narcotic drugs. 1930th plenary meeting,