General Assembly | |
Distr. A/RES/2859(XXVI) | |
2859(XXVI). | Youth and dependence-producing drugs |
The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 2719(XXV) of 15 December 1970, Economic and Social Council resolution 1578(L) of 20 May 1971 and World Health Assembly resolution WHA 24.57 of 20 May 1971, Considering that the abuse of narcotics and psychotropic drugs has become an extremely serious problem in many countries with disastrous results for the populations of these countries, Acknowledging that measures hitherto adopted in the fight against the abuse of drugs have not been sufficiently effective, as some countries have taken positive steps while others have not yet taken adequate and effective measures for the suppression of illicit traffic in dependence-producing drugs, Acknowledging further that developing countries determined to prevent illicit production of and illicit traffic in narcotic drugs do not succeed in achieving their goal owing to economic and technical difficulties, Emphasizing that the abuse of dependence-producing drugs presents an especially serious threat to the youth of the world, among whom this disease has been growing at an alarming rate and now threatens the well-being of young people in a great number of countries, Warning in particular against attempts directed towards the weakening of existing controls over the drug substance cannabis, Noting that only through the consistent implementation by States of their relevant measures coupled with international co-operation can the dangers of drug abuse be reduced and this social malady effectively countered, Strongly endorsing the activities of the International Narcotics Control Board, the World Health Organization and other agencies, and their decision to redouble their efforts to control and combat drug abuse throughout the world, 1. Urges all States to give wide support to the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control and, in particular, to involve youth in activities aimed at controlling drug abuse; 2. Requests all competent bodies of the United Nations dealing with the question of narcotic drugs to provide appropriate and effective assistance to developing countries with a view to enabling them to combat more effectively illicit production of and illicit traffic in narcotic drugs; 3. Appeals to all States to enact effective legislation against drug abuse, providing severe penalties for those engaged in illicit drug-trafficking; 4. Urges that steps be taken by Governments to inform in particular youth about the dangers of drug abuse, and to promote the establishment of comprehensive community-based drug treatment and rehabilitation facilities, especially for young drug users; 5. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the specialized agencies concerned, to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council at its fifty-third session on how the United Nations system can increase its effectiveness in the fight against drug abuse with special reference to the problems of youth in this respect. 2027th plenary meeting,