General Assembly | |
Distr. A/RES/3014(XXVII) | |
3014(XXVII). | United Nations programme for drug abuse control |
The General Assembly, Noting that drug abuse is a continuing problem in many parts of the world, Encouraged by the growing interest of Governments in dealing with drug abuse, 1. Welcomes the expanded operations of the United Nations programme for drug abuse control, and especially the efforts made by the Division of Narcotic Drugs of the Secretariat in the field of drug abuse control; 2. Recognizes the importance of the United Nations programme of action based on short-term and long-term policy, as approved by the General Assembly in resolution 2719(XXV) of 15 December 1970, and affirms the need for more effective and extensive efforts by the United Nations system; 3. Appeals consequently to Governments for sustained support and voluntary contributions to the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, in any form and according to their capacity; 4. Invites the Division of Narcotic Drugs, the specialized agencies and other interested intergovernmental organizations to co-operate fully in the United Nations programme of action; 5. Further invites the specialized agencies and other interested intergovernmental organizations to pay special attention, in the formulation of their own programmes relating to the socio-economic consequences of drug abuse, to appropriate means of combating this abuse. 2113th plenary meeting,