Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/1973/3(LIV) | |
1973/3(LIV). | Election of 11 members of the International Narcotics Control Board |
At its 1856th meeting, on 17 May 1973, the Council elected the following 11 members of the International Narcotics Control Board for a term of office of three years beginning on 2 March 1974: Mr. D.P. Anand (India) Mr. Michel A. Attisso (Togo) Mr. Nikolai K. Barkov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Mr. Ross A. Chapman (Canada) Dr. R. de la Fuente Muniz Ram?n (Mexico) Mr. S?kr? Kaymak?alan (Turkey) Sir Frederick Mason (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Dr. Victorio V. Olguin (Argentina) Mr. Martin R. Pollner (United States of America) Mr. Paul Reuter (France) Mr. Tsutomo Shimomura (Japan)