Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/RES/1973/1768(LIV) | |
1973/1768(LIV). | Rationalization of the work of the Council |
The Economic and Social Council, Conscious of its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations as the central forum for discussion and policy recommendations on issues relevant to the world economic and social situation and for the promotion of human rights, Reaffirming the need for the renewed commitment of all Member States, regardless of their level of development or their social or economic systems, to world-wide co-operation within the framework of the United Nations in order to bring about the necessary fundamental improvement in the world economic and social order, thereby creating a more just and rational world economic and social order for the benefit of all peoples and nations, Considering that, within the relevant provisions of the Charter, the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade129/ especially when complemented by the inclusion after due consideration, as appropriate, by the Economic and Social Council or the General Assembly, of emerging concepts such as collective economic security, the relationship between environment and development and new methods and norms of international co-operation and in the light of the new politico-economic developments which have taken place since its adoption--provides a comprehensive body of principles to guide the policies and programmes of all the institutions of the United Nations system and its Member States in their activities related to economic and social co-operation, Convinced that both short-term and long-term measures for the reorganization and reorientation of its own activities and its subsidiary organs, are required to strengthen the role of the United Nations in international economic and social co-operation and, in particular during the Second United Nations Development Decade, to secure the implementation of the goals and policy measures of the International Development Strategy, Having considered the report of its Working Group on Rationalization,130/ VIII Calendar of Conferences (16) Decides that the calendar of conferences shall be so arranged that: (a) The Council's body responsible for co-ordination, the Committee for Development Planning, the Commission on Human Rights and its Sub-Commission and the regional economic commissions meet every year unless any of these organs decide or have decided otherwise with the concurrence of the Council; (b) All other subsidiary and expert or advisory bodies meet biennially, unless the Council decides otherwise, and their meetings be so timed as to ensure the submission of their reports in good time for the relevant sessions of the Council and, where appropriate, to the Committee on Review and Appraisal, and spaced so as not to overlap or follow too closely upon each other and so as to ensure that their programme objectives are fully reflected in the work programme and budget to be submitted bienially to the Council. 1858th plenary meeting, 129/ General Assembly resolution 2626(XXV).