General Assembly | |
Distr. A/RES/3145(XXVIII) | |
3145(XXVIII). | Assistance to the developing countries in the field of narcotics control |
The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 2859(XXVI) of 20 December 1971 and 3012(XXVII) of 18 December 1972, Considering that some developing countries, owing to the lack of technical and financial means, are unable to contribute to the control of narcotic drugs as effectively as they earnestly desire, Recognizing that in order to do so they would be required to make an extensive effort to improve especially the economic and social conditions of some of their often isolated and impoverished regions where traditionally the revenue derived from the cultivation of opium poppy or other narcotic drugs is in some cases the principal means of livelihood for the populations concerned, Recognizing further that in those regions of the above-mentioned developing countries the replacement of a traditionally drug-oriented economy by other agricultural and economic activities should be undertaken in such a way as to minimize hardship for the populations concerned and to assist in establishing new, adequate sources of revenue and means of livelihood for them, Fully aware that to embark on such comprehensive programmes these countries need substantial technical and financial assistance from the international community, Conscious that the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, in order to be able to participate financially in these programmes and to continue to support training, research and other scientific activities and rehabilitation efforts in the interest of all States, whatever their individual stage of development, requires funding on a continuous basis, 1. Considers that the United Nations system, through the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, can make a major contribution in this respect; 2. Welcomes the fact that some of the developing countries in Asia and Latin America, in co-operation with the Fund, have initiated or are about to initiate programmes aimed at the effective elimination of illicit traffic, illicit production and abuse of narcotic drugs; 3. Commends the Governments which have already contributed to the Fund and urges them to continue and, if possible, to increase their contribution; 4. Urges all States, according to their capacities, to make substantial and sustained contributions to the Fund and also to provide technical and financial assistance to the developing countries directly concerned which request such assistance for bringing narcotic drugs under effective control; 5. Appeals to international financial institutions to assist these developing countries in carrying out their respective narcotics control programmes. 2201st plenary meeting,