Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/RES/1974/1846(LVI) | |
1974/1846(LVI). | Cultivation and chewing of the coca leaf: clandestine manufacture of and illicit traffic in cocaine*/ |
The Economic and Social Council, Referring to the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 19739/ and to the review of the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances during 1971 and 1972,10/ Concerned over the cultivation of the coca bush, the persistence of coca-leaf chewing in the Andean region, and the increased quantities of cocaine manufactured clandestinely and entering the illicit traffic, Recalling the relevant provisions of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961,11/ Recognizing that additional measures for the control of coca-leaf production are essential in order to make possible the abolition of coca-leaf chewing and the elimination of the clandestine manufacture of cocaine, Aware of the difficulties involved in the control of coca cultivation, Considering that the eradication of the coca bush implies the development of multidisciplinary programmes at both the national and regional levels, particularly with a view to finding substitute crops and instituting health and social action, Considering the importance of the financial and administrative implications of the eradication of the coca bush, Noting with satisfaction the efforts already made by some of the States concerned, Taking account of the need to support initiatives for this purpose in order to remedy the situation, 1. Recommends the Governments concerned to intensify measures designed to reduce coca cultivation, to eliminate the clandestine manufacture of and the illicit traffic in cocaine and, in accordance with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, to abolish coca-leaf chewing, if possible before the expiry of the twenty-five year period provided for in article 49 of the Convention; 2. Recommends intensification of regional co-operation by the countries concerned; 3. Accordingly invites all States and the competent international agencies and bodies to co-operate with the Governments concerned in the search for a solution. 1896th plenary meeting, 9/ E/INCB/21 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E/74.XI.2), paras. 112-120. 10/ E/CN.7/564 and Corr. and 2, paras. 26-61. 11/ United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 520, No. 7515, p. 151.