Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/1975/65(ORG-75) | |
1975/65(ORG-75). | Rationalization of the work of the Council and its subsidiary bodies |
At its 1937th meeting, on 15 January 1975, the Council decided: (a) To increase from four to six the number of daily meetings at the fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth sessions of the Council, in order that the Council might hold simultaneously two formal meetings and one informal meeting for consultations or other purposes; (b) To hold a resumed session during the second half of 1975 for the sole purpose of considering the annual report of the Trade and Development Board; (c) To invite the Trade and Development Board to consider the advisability of holding its regular sessions at a time which would allow it to report to the General Assembly through the Council at the second regular session of the year of the Council; (d) To invite the executive heads of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation and of the International Monetary Fund to participate in, and give the benefit of their views at, an appropriate session of the Council during the first half of the year, on the understanding that the summary of the annual reports of those organizations will be circulated to all Member States, under cover of a note by the Secretary-General, as soon as they are released; (e) To commend to all the subsidiary bodies of the Council the practice of holding informal discussions on items on their agenda as frequently as possible during their sessions; (f) To authorize the following subsidiary bodies to provide summary records for particular discussions when needed, and to request them, when adopting their agenda, to limit the provision of such records to those items in relation to which summary records are deemed essential: Commission for Social Development Commission on Human Rights Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Commission on the Status of Women Commission on Narcotic Drugs Economic Commission for Europe Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Economic Commission for Latin America Economic Commission for Africa Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations Committee on Housing, Building and Planning Committee on Natural Resources Committee for Programme and Co-ordination Committee on Science and Technology for Development Committee on Review and Appraisal: (g) That its decision not to consider any report exceeding thirty-two pages, as stipulated in its resolution 1894(LVII) of 1 August 1974, would also apply to the reports submitted to its subsidiary bodies; (h) To exercise the utmost restraint in making requests of the Secretary-General for new reports and studies, and to request all its subsidiary bodies to exercise similar restraint in making requests of the Secretary-General for new reports and studies; (i) To request the Secretary-General to explore the possibility of scheduling more meetings of the functional commissions and expert bodies of the Council during the second half of the year, at Geneva, and in due course, when facilities are available, at Vienna, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 3350(XXIX) of 18 December 1974, and to submit appropriate recommendations to the Council at its fifty-ninth session in the context of the calendar of meetings.