Please note the organizational arrangements for the 30th session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
Permanent Missions need to issue a Note Verbale, complete the Registration Form and share both documents with delegates, to enable them to register in INDICO by 12 May 2021.
In-person participation: |
5 delegates (max) may be appointed. Access to the conference room is limited to one delegate per Member State at any given time. Delegates are encouraged to only come to the VIC for the time that they are representing their delegation in the meeting rooms. |
Online participation: |
10 speakers (max) for Plenary meetings 10 speakers (max) for Committee of the Whole meetings Observers who will be registered for the session and can follow the Plenary proceedings and the PNI workshop on the webcast. |
Registration for participation in the 30th session of the CCPCJ has to be done via the United Nations registration platform INDICO. INDICO is based on the principle of self-registration by individual participants. Each participant attending in-person or online must register in INDICO with his/her personalized INDICO profile (please see below under “steps to register”).
Registration in Indico will open
on Monday, 26 April and close on Wednesday, 12 May 2021.
***Click here to register ***
Every participant has to have a personalized INDICO profile. (create one here)
To register for the event, go to the event form in Indico and click on “apply”. In the form, all fields marked with * are mandatory.
Documents to be uploaded by the delegate:
- Note Verbale; and completed
- Registration Form (to be completed by the Permanent Mission to UNOV and provided to delegates prior to registration).
Guides: Profile creation and Register for an event [video]
NOTE: Late registration and switching of roles will not be possible. The numbers of both in-person as well as online participants per delegation will be limited and, as such, delegations are encouraged to register as early as possible.
There will be in the plenary room one seat reserved for in-person participation for each United Nations Member and Observer State.
Each Member State may appoint up to 5 delegates for physical participation, in order to allow for different delegates to cover various agenda items and informal consultations. There will be no additional room or seating facilities in the VIC for delegates not having access to the conference room. Delegates are encouraged to only come to the VIC for the time that they are representing their delegation in the meeting rooms.
In-person Member States participants are encouraged to register also for an online speaker’s role, in case they need to take the floor virtually (as only one delegate can be present in the Plenary/COW hall at a given time).
Access to the conference rooms is limited to one delegate per Member State, entity or organization at any given time under the conditions mentioned below:
The Secretariat will issue two types of badges to delegates who have been registered as in-person participant to the Conference:
Additional floating badges can be provided for Chairs of Plenary/COW, sponsors of resolutions for informal consultations and in-person panellists for the thematic discussion.
In order to allow for sufficient physical distance between delegates, only participants with both the individual main badge and the floating badge are allowed into the meeting rooms. Floating badges do not show individual participants’ names and can be exchanged within the delegation.
Floating badges will be handed out together with the individual badges at the registration desk at Gate 1. A note verbal with the name of the person who will pick up the badges (individual badges and floating badges) should be sent to the Secretariat ( in advance.
The badges can be picked up on Friday, 14 May, prior to the pre-session consultations, at Gate 1 from 11 am to 1 pm, as well as Monday, 17 May, 7:30 am-10 am. The floating badges must be passed on within the delegation. Delegations are required to exchange floating badges outside of the VIC premises.
Member States may appoint up to 10 online speakers for the Plenary and 10 online speakers for the Committee of the Whole.
The same delegate may be registered as speaker for both the plenary and the Committee of the Whole (in such cases, that speaker will use one speaker slot for the plenary and one for the Committee of the Whole).
In-person Member States participants are encouraged to register also for an online speaker’s role, in case they need to take the floor virtually (as only one delegate can be present in the Plenary/COW hall at a given time).
“Speakers” will receive a speaker link that technically enables them to request the floor. It is possible that more speakers use the speaker link jointly from the same device.
Furthermore, Member States may register an unlimited number of observers to follow the proceedings of the Plenary on the webcast.
The proceedings of the plenary and the PNI workshop can be followed on the webcast. The consultations on draft resolutions in the COW, including the pre-session informal consultations, will not be webcast.
All statements of Member States and other stakeholders during the general debate shall be limited to three minutes. Statements by regional groups are limited to five minutes. In line with past practice, statements made shared with the Secretariat, including longer versions, can be posted on the website of the Commission upon request.
The list of speakers for the general debate will be established on a “first come, first served” basis, differentiating only between ministers and other high-level speakers. The registration period for the general debate starts on 29 April and closes on 13 May 2021 (, cc:
Delegations intending to deliver a statement under other agenda items, may inform the Secretariat starting from 29 April 2021, by indicating the agenda item as well as the representative who will deliver the statement. These statements should also be limited to three minutes. The list of speakers for other agenda items will also be established on a “first come, first served” basis.
Member States may also submit pre-recorded video statements for the general debate. The statements have to comply with the time limitation. The videos need to be transmitted to by 11 May 2021. For the technical details, please consult the guide on video statements.
Due to the social distancing measures in place, no meeting rooms are available for bilateral or group meetings.
Informal consultations, accessible for Member States only, can be arranged by sponsors of resolutions in a hybrid or “podium-only” format, subject to the availability of rooms in which COVID-19 prevention measures can be implemented. “Podium-only” means that only the Chair and the Secretariat are present in the respective conference room. The Secretariat will assist with arranging informal consultations on draft resolutions.
Participants intending to travel from abroad should familiarize themselves, before planning their travel, with the special measures in place relating to the entry into Austria, as well as with the requirements for the return trip to the home destination.
Before entering the VIC, all in-person participants must have a negative COVID (PCR or rapid antigen) test. The test must not older than 72 hours (PCR test) or 48 hours (rapid antigen test).
All in-person participants are required to observe the COVID-19-related sanitary measures during the whole session. The most recent version will be published on the website of the Commission. In particular participants may not attend the meeting if they show symptoms associated with COVID-19.
In line with the system used in the UN headquarters building in New York, participants automatically declare, by swiping their badge on entry to the VIC, as a condition of their entry that they:
Participants who join the 30th session in person are encouraged to take a COVID-19 rapid test at Austria Center (U1 Kaisermuehlen and Drive-In) before entering the VIC. Tests are free of charge and available for everybody, including persons without health insurance in Austria. Please register and make an appointment online and bring a photo ID.