Vienna (Austria), 24 January 2023 - The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) held a special event to launch the 2022 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. The UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons is a major contribution to address this crime as it provides a global assessment of the scope of human trafficking, based on data gathered from 155 countries.
The GLOTIP report includes an overview of trafficking patterns, legal steps taken in response, and country-specific information on reported cases of trafficking in persons, victim and prosecutions.
This Special Event was chaired and moderated by the Chair of the CCPCJ at its thirty-second session, H.E. Ms. Mary Mugwanja of Kenya, and featured remarks from the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Ms. Ghada Waly, the Chief of the Research and Trend Analysis Branch, Ms. Angela Me, the Chief of the Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section, Mr. Ilias Chatzis, the Chief of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Human Trafficking in Argentina, Mr. Marcelo Colombo, and the survivor of trafficking and CEO/Founder of the Footprint to Freedom organization, Ms. Malaika Oringo.
To kick-off the discussions, the CCPCJ Chair stressed that “there can be no safe and secure society until the causes driving trafficking in persons are effectively addressed, the perpetrators brought to justice and survivors supported” and emphasized that “reliable evidence and data are key to informed policymaking in this regard.”
In her statement, Ms. Waly highlighted that “every victim deserves support, regardless of who they are, what they may have been forced to do, and whether they choose to participate in criminal proceedings".
The main findings on trafficking in persons trends and patterns at the global level, the impact of the current global challenges on trafficking dynamics, as well as institutional responses, policy recommendations and the role of UNODC in preventing and combatting trafficking in persons were presented during the GLOTIP launch.
The launch was webcast to ensure a global coverage, with over 140 participants attending in-person and online.
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